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From Disconnected to Reignited

6 Weeks to Avoid the Breakup and Achieve the Breakthrough

No more feeling lonely and unheard. The 6 Steps of The Genuine-Connected Love Course will take you from Feeling Lonely to Loved-up without sacrificing your relationship.

Hey Lovely,

Relationships aren’t perfect, they have fairtytale moments, and challenges.  

Trying to communicate whilst feeling unheard, living in the same house with someone you love, but somehow you became flatmates is very common. It doesn’t have to be this way.

We just haven’t been taught the tools to navigate these moments and become disconnected and lonely in the relationship but I want you to know that…

It is possible to reignite that honeymoon spark, navigate the challenges, balance parenting, with partner-ing, and have the dream relatinship you truly desire. 


Did you know that 93% of couples who invest in some form of couples “therapy” actually not just survive, but they form a more genuine-connected love than they ever thought possible.

You can achieve this too with the right tools.


This is How...

Is This You?

You feel like you are living with your flatmate.

You feel alone and disconnected in your relationship.

You argue and bicker over most things, with no solution.

I get the feeling you are thinking...

You're Not Alone...

I’ve worked with hundreds of people who have been in your position.  

When I showed them their attachment style, blind-spots, and they implemented the right tools, they were able to,

  • – Shift their patterns
  • – Love themselves
  • – Remove the resentment
  • – Feel connected and reunited
  • – Reignite the spark
  • – Form a deeper bond than ever before

Nothing they did prior ever worked for them.  Most couples in fact think they can transform this on their own, however without the tools it is impossible.


93% of Couples who engage in "therapy" survive the slump...


I have not only transformed this area of my life with my Self Development, NLP, Life Coaching, Counselling training and experience by implementing these tools in my own relationship.

I have worked with many couples wanting to break free from the same frustrating situations, and relationship patterns. And have done so with these tools.  

Such as Georgia and Hamish…

Belinda’s coaching enabled me to communicate more easily & deeply with my partner and understand myself which are important when it comes to relationships, & self-love.

Working with you helped us both think & talk about our wants, needs, hopes, & fears in a way that felt comfortable & loving.

I always looked forward to your calls and it felt like we made progress every week especially thanks to the homework. We got married shortly after completion of the course and haven’t looked back.

~ Georgia


Genuine-Connected Love

The Genuine-Connected Love Couples Course is a 6 week course that is designed to address every single step on your relationship journey so that you can breakthrough the breakdowns, reignite a deep connection with your soul partner and avoid the breakup.

I was going through a personal growth period at the time I met Belinda and I honestly believe I was meant to meet her at this time of my life. Belinda’s honesty and unbiased thoughts helped provide me with courage to make a difficult decision. It was a realisation I already knew deep down, but wasn’t easy to admit it and I had been avoiding the decision for a long time.

~ Caitlin

Being united with your partner is the ultimate goal, but without this small investment in yourself and each-other now, you will continue to have the same breakdowns show up consistently. It is called the mirror effect.

Here's what we will accomplish together

Go from Disconnected to Reignited. You will transform the breakdown patterns and finally achieve the breakthrough.

In Genuine-Connected Love, I will show you the proven formula that is going to transform your relationship in a matter of weeks by teaching you the gaps no one has ever shown you. All the secrets your friends and family can’t tell you as they aren’t trained in this area. Tools you can implement straight away so that you can feel confident and…

Our 6 weeks Together

*Live Coaching Each Week*

Week 1

Rediscover the "Me" in Team

This is where we set new, stronger foundations, by filling up your cup, finding yourself again, and feeling happy.

What we'll cover
  • – Lighter and happier
  • – Empowered and excited
  • – Calm and confident

Week 2

Uncover and Clear Your Breakdowns

Here we focus on the true breakdowns so that you can understand the triggers and learn ways to navigate them effectively.

What we'll cover
  • – Enlightened and relieved
  • – A new awareness about yourself, and your partner
  • – Ready for that fresh start 

Week 3

Reignite Your Genuine Connection

Now we come together, create a safe space for vulnerabililty,  find peace and forgiveness so that you can connect deeply.

What we'll cover
  • – The passion will come alive for that spark to ignite
  • – Safe and protected
  • – Loved and reconnected

Week 4

Expressions of Love and Communication

This is where you are really heard, we validate your needs, uncover your values and fall in love again.

What we'll cover
  •  – Loved and heard
  •  – Connected, reunited and valued
  • – Safe to be vulnerable

Week 5

Affection, Intimacy, and Deepening your Bond

Now we have a trusted enviroment, we can share our needs regarding intimacy so that you can feel the passion again.

What you love and desire​
  • – Sexy and desired 
  • – Passionate and aroused
  • – Ready for intimacy

Week 6

Relate, Create and Generate Your Genuine-Connected Love

Here we get to have fun! Sharing goals, date desires, grattitude, and planning for the relationship you want.

What we'll cover
  • – Playful and excited 
  • – Aligned and solid
  • – Free and bright about your future together

True Story...

My clients have achieved their dreams.  One was about to leave a relationship that wasn’t serving her, they healed the breakdowns, and got married six months later.

Another one was disconnected from his partner, when they discovered the blocks and transformed them, they were intimate again for the first time in 18months!

Will you be my next success story?

This is For You if...

This is Not For You if...

I started working with Belinda after being sick of being single or being hurt in relationships that were just not fulfilling. I found that I was constantly pouring myself into the other person but got nothing back and it was over quickly leaving me more upset than I started with.

Since working with Belinda, I have created the relationship of my dreams and it is real relationship with give and take and ups and downs. I am not afraid to speak up for what I want in case he left me nor am I constantly giving so much and getting nothing or very little back. As I write this, I have been with my gorgeous man for 424 days and we couldn’t be happier together. I cannot recommend Belinda or her coaching enough. Thank you so much.

~ Shannon

Who's the lady behind this?

Hi I'm Belinda

I have been asked what makes me an expert in this field, and my response is “I have studied counselling in the past, but nothing compares to first-hand experience. My passion is to help people understand their worth and give them insight into the key elements of finding a love they deserve and maintaining it.” Whilst I am still on my journey to finding my life long partner, I am happy with myself as I have learned to truly love who I am and trust that the right person will come into my life at the right time. All those I have met before my life long partner have enabled me to learn some valuable lessons and to grow as a person, those lessons I am now sharing with you.

My journey relating to love and relationships, in the past, has been somewhat of a rollercoaster. It took me until I was twenty-nine years old to work out that my self-hating, negative opinion of myself was attracting the wrong kind of partner. This was based on not having seen a true relationship as my parents divorced when I was six. Then as I grew older and became an adult, I associated the need to have a man in my life to replace what I was missing in a full time father. During that time, my association with men was quite skewed. This is because I did not believe I was loveable, a very common trait in many people. After a long stint of being single and avoiding men for fear of being abandoned, I then dated many men to try and fill the emotional gap. After a few broken, emotionally, verbally and physically abusive relationships I arrived at the realisation as to why I was attracting this type of partner and why I allowed them to stay in my life. It was through fear of being abandoned, the lack of self-worth and not believing I deserved better.

Choose Your
Love Journey

Genuine-Connected Love
Couples Course

This 6-week course, GenuineConnected Love, is designed for the couples who invest in themselves and each other to avoid the Breakup and achieve the Breakthrough.

"Belinda gave me the spring in the step I needed to reignite my passion, trust, and vulnerablity in love."


Total value: $8,629

Price: $3000
ONLY $2600

Early bird price is ending soon! Lock in your early bird price before it is gone for good!

What the FAQ?

This depends! We are unable to guarantee results for legal reasons – we can’t predict if you will complete, or how quickly you will complete the tasks. Over the past 7 years, for all those who have implemented the courses and coaching we’ve had over 90% success stories. Those who aren’t successful simply didn’t implement the tools or complete the course.

In general, it is not uncommon for most students to get results in three to six months after implementing all the tools. Our best students who listen to our instructions and implement all the tools have gotten results in one to three months, or even whilst they are doing the course.

I can guide you, but you must implement the tools in order to achieve your desired outcome.

little progress each day leads to big results. Each video takes around 15 to 25 minutes to watch and there are pauses so that you can complete the activities during it. I allocate two weeks to complete each pillar, but you can complete them in two hours if you allocate undistracted time to yourself, which it is about time you started doing this for you. Doing this with the support from an expert will get you to your results much quicker than if you do it on your own. It hasn’t worked in the past, time to start something new perhaps?

If you start now, your life could be so different. You don’t want to be stuck in the same situation years from now whereby you still feel frustrated, lonely, doubtful, anxious, or just avoiding it all together, but deep down wanting it.

In fact, this course will offer you peace of mind, confidence in yourself, the ability to have more effective relationships, and saves you time stressing about why it isn’t happening, or asking inexperienced friends and family members what to do, and having them give you the wrong unqualified advice over and over again, sending you in circles.

The small investment of time now, will save you a lot of time in the long run as you’ll be confidently taking action on tasks that will bring you the biggest results – one step at a time. It will allow you the freedom to be happy and allow the right person to effortlessly come into your life, instead of feeling like you have to constantly chase. This is about ease of manifestation but also manifesting the right person, not the same types of relationships of the past, and if you can even just avoid meeting those people it really would be worth doing it. So… you decide! Is this worth it for your happiness?

Yes, if you have completed the tasks and have found that nothing has worked for you I have a no questions asked 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. All the risk is on me! If you do the tasks, you will see results. I do have a 24 hour cooling off period after purchase, if you have simply changed your mind. But my belief is that you will love it once you start as all my past clients have indicated this. The implementation is simple and up to you.

You will get out of it what you put in.  If you want to transform your situation and follow the tools you will absolutely achieve this.  If you think that simply investing in the course and not doing the work will change your situation then this is not for you.  Whatever your heart desires regarding your love situation is absolutely achievable, if you implement these tools.

The course can be completed in 6 weeks (one pillar a week) but you will have access for three months at no extra charge as an added bonus to ensure that you get what you wanted when you started. This is normally $49 per month after the course so you will be saving on the monthly membership fee.

Yes. This has been designed to work for people who are time poor as you can implement it in your own time. It is not gender specific as believe it or not, women and men experience the same thoughts and feelings when it comes to this. So the tasks created, whilst feel a bit more feminine if you are in your masculine energy, are designed to get you the results.

I have worked with men and women for years and wanted to create something that I could offer both genders simply because in my coaching the same tools were required. It was created for ease of implementation, clear understanding for all genders, and the convenience of doing it in your own time. Both men and women who have completed this course have received the results they truly wanted.

You can either pay in full (this is the most popular option that gives you the best value
as you save $100.

Or you can make use of the payment plan which is 3 payments of $199
(this is an easy + flexible payment plan option that I’ve provided so that you can get started for
just $199)

I know right, it is insane. This is because I have made it into a video series that doesn’t’ require my time every session which means I can offer it for a lower investment, of course if you work 1:1 with Belinda you will get a more tailored experience as well as the tools and learnings a lot faster than on your own. With the online course you will get a huge amount of amazing value, results and have a great experience.

The discount you receive is available for a short time. It is also a thank you for investing in you, and coming along to an event, or being a part of the groups, or simply for following and supporting Belinda. Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

I’ve created the course to be as easy to follow as it can possibly get. I wanted people to do this the easiest and quickest way possible. The videos are linked to the workbooks and there is time allocated to complete each workbook in the video to avoid any confusion. I mean dating is hard enough without the tools right! So why make the course hard too?

Once you finish the course you will have clarity, confidence, and will connect with the right people in order to find the love you deserve.

I pride myself in providing the best support possible for all my clients.
If you need support at any point, email us with your questions at We are just an
email away!

You also receive weekly support in the form of messenger and voice mail to ask questions directly to Belinda when you are doing the course.


So...are yo ready to achieve these amazing results?

You can do this!

You can do this! Dating genuine people, and finding the love you deserve seems hard or even almost impossible, but it is 100% worth it.
Your quality of life just becomes so much better once you find the clarity you have been looking for. This will give you the confidence to connect with your soul-partner and avoid all the wrong ones you have been dating your whole life.

If millions of people around the world have been able to achieve this WHY NOT YOU? You
can do this, and by starting the course, you will gain access to all the resources, and guidance
that you need to break the cycle and find love! Without having to struggle on the same path, repeating the same patterns over, and over again.

I hereby give you permission to step up, take action, and say, “WHY NOT ME? I CAN FIND LOVE!” Because you CAN do this! I’ve helped hundreds of clients before you not only love themselves, but find the love the truly desire.

If all you gained from this course was to feel confident in yourself, and stopped the same old patterns would it be worth it?

You deserve this! Let’s get started right now on your journey to get the love you truly yearn for.