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Celebrating Belinda’s 40th Birthday

Celebrating Belinda’s 40th Birthday

Thank YOU So Much For Being Apart Of MY Life!

You have a special place in my heart. Even if I have never met you and you are watching from afar, I appreciate you more than you know.

During this process, I became very present with how much I have not only achieved but more importantly – how grateful I am for all of the things that have grown me, the challenges, the grief, the loss, and the toxic relationships. They have all taught me what I want and what I deserve and are pushing me to live my purpose of helping others to see just truly how special they are and that all the challenges are blessings, happening for you.

I also saw just how much love I have surrounding me, and how much love I have to give. I have been blessed, and I am so grateful.

I encourage you to look back over your life and put together a compilation of YOU. It isn’t self-absorbed, it is freeing, inspiring, and truly enlightening. It will shift you from that negative headspace into seeing just how special you are. And that there is more to come.

Please leave a comment on any fun, beautiful, transformative, happy, experiences you have with Belinda that you would like to share. sharing love is also receiving love.

Enjoy the next 40 years and live it doing the things you absolutely love!

I Can’t Find Love, What is Wrong With Me? Ep 10 – Belinda Love In The R.O.A.R

I Can’t Find Love, What is Wrong With Me? Ep 10 – Belinda Love In The R.O.A.R

We often apply negative meaning to the fact we are single. “Something must be wrong with me”, “I am not good enough”, “I am worthy of love but I intimidate them”.

There is NOTHING wrong with you if you are single. I promise. People, please stop asking that question as well. It is a backhanded compliment, and insensitive.

This episode is going to enable you to see that there is nothing wrong with you. You are as delicious as nutella, just not everyone’s taste, and that is perfect. Who has time for everyone in the world anyway. It is all about quality not quantity and this podcast shares the three ways to overcome this negative self-belief.

Enjoy xx

You can find me here
Web: BelindaLove_CoachFB: Belinda Love CoachYouTube: Belinda Love Coach

The Dirties C Word… Comparison, How to STOP Comparing! Ep 11 – Belinda Love in The R.O.A.R

The Dirties C Word… Comparison, How to STOP Comparing! Ep 11 – Belinda Love in The R.O.A.R

Social Media has made it so easy for us to see and compare ourselves to each other and listen to our inner-critic.

She is prettier than me, he has better abs than me, why would they date me?

This episode will share with you how to stop comparing yourself, and start embracing yourself.

You are just as amazing as the next person, we are just different. It is that self-belief that makes us standout and more attractive to the world. Your vibe attracts your tribe.

You are allowed to love yourself as you are. Stay true to you and appreciate others but don’t try and be like them.

Much love

Belinda XX

Dating Meh! I Can’t be Bothered. Ep 10 – Belinda Love in The R.O.A.R

Dating Meh! I Can’t be Bothered. Ep 10 – Belinda Love in The R.O.A.R

Dating used to be fun, we would make a plan, meet or get picked up and have an amazing time. Then discuss the next steps so there is clarity and boundaries.

Now it is uncertain, filled with ghosting, cancelling, lies about intentions and no integrity. Whilst this is true, not everyone is like that and you can definitely meet someone, I promise.

Here are the steps to enjoy dating again.


Belinda xx

How do I Find Commitment Over Casual Sex? Ep 4 in The 7 Why’s You Are Single.

How do I Find Commitment Over Casual Sex? Ep 4 in The 7 Why’s You Are Single.

It is hard to believe that people even want a relationship now with all the options to meet someone, online dating, social media, ease of travel and connection.

But I promise you that it is possible to find a genuine connection that will turn into a commitment and I uncover how to do that in this episode.
You can find me on my socials

Insta: BelindaLove_Coach

FB: Belinda Love

Enjoy and share
Lots of loveBelinda xx